Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Avitar: DougieAustin

Ok, here is a little description about my avatar. This somewhat looks like me. I am a jeans and short type of person. I love wearing layers of shirts. Like with this one I will wear a long sleeve shirt under a t-shirt. I like doing that in the winter instead of wearing a jacket. I have a goatee and wear glasses. I am also a big hat and visor person. This hat I am wearing kind of looks like the hat I and all of my friends wear when we are out on the lake in the summer. Ok, don’t ask hahahahaha. Nike shoes are my think unless I’m at work in church.  Hope you enjoyed reading about my avatar and looking forward to yours.  My name of the avatar is DougieAustin. My nick name for years was DougieFresh but that was taken. So some of my friends call me DougieAustin.


  1. Doug,

    Cool Avatar! Those hats are very popular in the south. I see guys wearing them all the time on the golf course in J-ville in the summer. I also enjoy wearing layed t-shirts. :) My Avatar has them on too. Have a relaxing Sunday.


  2. Nice avatar Doug! He looks very much like you too. I look forward to seeing you in-world.


  3. Hey Doug

    The goatee looks pretty accurate, I like it.


  4. Doug good pick of your avatar!! Love the hat
